The Creation Africa Ghana (CAG) Incubation program is a beneficiary-centered program offering cultural and creative entrepreneurs comprehensive support, from ideation to acceleration. Over the period, 30 participants selected from a Call for Proposals will engage in comprehensive capacity-building sessions and have access to collaborative opportunities within a dedicated workspace at Ako Adjei Park, part of the innovative startup campus powered by Impact Hub Accra (IHA), our locally selected incubator.

IHA is a collaborative organization providing growth support services to innovative startup businesses, including pre-seed investment, an accelerator program for entrepreneurs, workshops, networking events, opportunities to design and prototype, and more. The hub, with all its spaces, is an active nexus where different local and global ecosystem players converge and engage with Ghana’s vibrant community of entrepreneurs.

The program offers a range of benefits for participants, including:

Business trainings conducted by industry experts specialising in the Cultural and Creative Industries.

Personalised expert support from professionals in the Cultural and Creative Industries and business sector.

Connectivity to Impact Hub Accra's extensive national and international network, fostering strategic connections for partnership development.

Opportunities to present projects to investors, strategic partners, and the public, resulting in heightened exposure and awareness at both national and international levels.


Top participants who distinguish themselves will be chosen to receive funding of

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Phase 1: Selection Criteria

Innovation and Creativity

Select proposals that showcase original thinking, novel approaches, and creative solutions to existing problems. Assess the uniqueness of the proposed ventures compared to conventional ideas.


Evaluate the practicality and feasibility of implementing the proposed projects. Consider the resources required, timelines, and potential challenges, ensuring that the ventures are realistically achievable.

Impact Potential

Examine the potential positive impact of the ventures on relevant communities or industries. Look for projects that have the capacity to bring about meaningful change or improvement.

Alignment with CAG objectives

Ensure that the projects align closely with the defined objectives of the program. Look for clear connections between the proposed ventures and the overarching goals of the initiative.

Data integrity

Verify the accuracy and consistency of information provided in the applications. Ensure that the data presented is reliable and reflects the true nature of the proposed ventures.

Phase 2 : Selection Criteria


If my business is still in the ideation stage, can I apply?


The Creation Africa Ghana program is for entrepreneurs with existing activities in Ghana.

Will there be an information session before the application deadline?


All information can be found in this website.  

Can I contact the team?


You can contact the team via email at

Can I drop out of the program if I get in?


Participants of the program are mandated and required to stay and participate through the entire period of the program.

If a business has more than one founder, can they all apply for the program?


Two founders from the same business cannot apply for the program unless under a common project.

Can I partake in only one aspect of the program?


Applying for this program requires you to participate in all aspects of the program.